How to Take An Effective Mental Health Day
Plan It Out.
It all begins with a plan. What are your favorite things to do, places to go, people to be with that energize you, revitalize you, make you HAPPY? Your state of being affects those around you, if you are calm, centered, balanced, happy others will follow your lead. You can be a role model for healthy self-care rituals. Start with your HAPPY List. Do it now. Make a list of your favorite things. Some examples might be: the ocean, the forest, the park, the mountains, walking, hiking, dancing, swimming, biking, yoga, tai chi, spending time with a special friend, singing, meditating, ice cream, sushi, watching a romantic movie, getting a massage, soaking in a hot bath, sweating in a sauna, reading a good book.
Once you have your list, pick three things that you could do EVERYDAY to help maintain your health, positive mental outlook, and well-being. Then choose 5 special things that you will do on a special self-care DAY. The best is to combine things like taking a walk with a special friend at the beach, then take oceanfront yoga class. Or going to a natural hot springs where you can get a massage, take a water aerobics class, soak in numerous hot baths, and visit with a special friend all in one day.
Make it personal, all yours. Those who know me, know I just described two of favorite self-care days. I try to do at least one self-care day every week. You need it for your own mental health and balance.