Telehealth & Distance sessions
The human Bio-field energy is affected when we meet in person, but it can also be affected remotely. Telehealth sessions meet on the phone or computer via FaceTime or Zoom, and are conducted much like an in-person session. I check-in with how you are feeling and what you need from the session, and then I have you sit or lie-down comfortably. I use Reiki healing energy and connect in through CranioSacral Therapy principles and practices. I may utilize a surrogate on my lap or on my massage table (such as a pillow or stuffed toy) to help me focus my energetic hold on your body. This kind of session requires more dialogue throughout in order for me to know how you are feeling during the process, and to help me know when a shift has happened and that it is time to move on to another area. I may invite you to hold your own hands on your body in certain areas to help you focus. Many people report feeling shifts in their energy and improvement of their complaint or problem areas. To LEARN MORE about research demonstrating the effectiveness of distance healing, follow the link below. Telehealth sessions may also include Tapping, Wellness Coaching, and home assignments like journalling.