Move It! Sitting too long causes Aches and Pains
Move, Stretch, Circulate
Sitting for too long at your desk is a major cause of aches and pains. Get up and move your body, whether it is to walk to the restroom, to refill your water bottle, or to just stand up and STRETCH. Go for a walk or a run at lunch, whatever you like to do, just do it. Every hour (if you can) set an alarm that will remind you to take a movement break. Movement keeps your circulation going, prevents edema in the feet and legs, lubricates the joints and relieves stiffness.
Try it now!
Stand up, take a big breath in and raise your arms above your head, stretching towards the sky. Now let them gently fall to your sides as you exhale. Try it three times. Want to enhance the effect of this stretch break? Going out into nature will multiply the benefits.