Quick Pain Relief at your fingertips

Pain relief at your fingertips -
Tapping on acupressure points


I have been studying Eden Energy Medicine for the past several months. I am taking Donna Eden's The Essentials of Energy Medicine course on-line with a colleague of mine, Jack Baker. Last week we studied Pain Relief techniques. I have been dealing with shoulder pain from overdoing it with my weight training practice for the past several weeks. I have had multiple massages, acupuncture and been applying pain reliving topical preparations like Arnica gel. Nothing seems to completely relieve it or last. I was complaining about it as we started the lesson, and even after doing several of the techniques and not feeling relief, we paused the lesson for him to apply some trigger point, neuromuscular therapy to the area. I was still sore. Then Donna showed us this very simple tapping technique on the acupressure points around the wrist. (See diagram below.) I tapped on the spot about 10 times as I followed the lesson, then tried to move my shoulder, and WHOA! No pain and full range of motion. What??? I was stunned. Such a simple technique and my shoulder felt completely better. How could that be? And, how could I not have heard about this before? 

It's called Zone Tapping for Pain. All you need to do is locate which zone on the body your pain is in, then tap on the corresponding point. YES!!! It is that simple. I started doing this on clients, and continue to do it on myself. While it relieved my pain like magic, it wasn't a complete cure because the pain returned sometime later. But, all I had to do was tap again, and the pain was gone and range of motion restored. So here you go....try it yourself. Just a little common sense caution: don't tap right on an open wound or a tender injury.

If you have upper body pain, you tap your wrists. If you have lower body pain, you tap your ankles. 10 - 20 times, with moderate pressure, and viola! Pain disappears. First locate the pain zone using the diagram. Then tap the corresponding points. 
Zones 1, 2, and 3 are on the front of the body, the palmar side of the wrist, and around the medial (inside) malleolus (ankle).
Zones 4, 5, and 6 are on the back of the body, the back of the wrist, and around the lateral (outside) malleolus (ankle).
Let me know how it goes. Hope you are as amazed as I was. 





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